@article{oai:iwatemed.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011511, author = {佐藤, 英一 and 市川, 眞琴 and 千葉, 大志 and 小田, 泰行 and 吉田, 宗平 and 山口, 哲 and 吉岡, 邦浩 and SATO, Eiichi and ICHIKAWA, Makoto and CHIBA, Taishi and ODA, Yasuyuki and YOSHIDA, Sohei and YAMAGUCHI, Satoshi and YOSHIOKA, Kunihiro}, issue = {55}, journal = {岩手医科大学教養教育研究年報, Annual Report of Iwate Medical University Center for Liberal Arts and Sciences}, month = {Dec}, pages = {5--9}, title = {X-ray-dose-rate measurement using an ionization gap and a digital voltmeter}, year = {2020}, yomi = {サトウ, エイイチ and イチカワ, マコト and チバ, タイシ and オダ, ヤスユキ and ヨシダ, ソウヘイ and ヤマグチ, サトシ and ヨシオカ, クニヒロ} }