@article{oai:iwatemed.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008717, author = {菊地, 芳子 and キクチ, ヨシコ and 土田, 幸子 and ツチダ, サチコ and 古館, 直美 and フルダテ, ナオミ and 小田島, 珠姫 and オダジマ, タマキ and KIKUCHI, Yoshiko and TSUCHIDA, Sachiko and FURUDATE, Naomi and ODAJIMA, Tamaki}, journal = {岩手女子看護短期大学紀要, Bulletin of Iwate College of Nursing}, month = {Jul}, note = {The practice elements of basic nursing education program area : 1. To train nursing students to better cmmunicate and empathize with their patients. 2. To train nursing students to provide the patient's basic human needs. 3. To train nursing students to understand the patient holistically (physisally, mentally, and socially) and to answer questions regarding the whole process of birth, aging, illness and death. It is important that the above curriculum be given step by step throughout the 2 years of their education. We conducted a study on number I above. The paper will deal with the basic cncept of 'Communication Practice' introduction and its effectiveness.}, pages = {47--59}, title = {新カリキュラムにおける基礎看護学実習の要素とその段階的導入法 : [その1]"ふれ合い実習"導入の試みを通して}, volume = {1}, year = {1994} }